Tuesday, March 22, 2011

3 years!!

We have been officially married for 3 years, 4 days, 20 hours and 55 min! Another year and I couldn't be happier.
We celebrated our anniversary by going on a day trip to Colmar, France. Did you know that Colmar was the home town of the painter Schongauer and sculptor Bartholdi who designed the Statue of Liberty?
We had a nice day just walking around and enjoying the beautiful arquithecture of the city. I wish the weather would've been nicer that day but regardless of the gray clouds we had a really nice day.

 "La petite Venise"
(Little Venice)

 Nathan ready to call it a day.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Happy Birthday Jared!!!

Today is an especial day, Jared is 28!!!
But it wasn't so especial in the Siple's home. Nathan woke up at 4am throwing up and feeling really sick. Guess who got up to take care of him? Jared did. I'm so grateful for my husband, he loves Nathan so so much and doesn't care about getting up when Nathan does. He always lets me sleep so I can take care of Nathan during the day. Anyways that's how Nathan said "Happy Birthday" to his daddy, by throwing up on him (sorry if I'm grossing you out). I didn't even have time to make dinner today, Nathan wanted all my attention, the poor little guy felt really sick. I hope the stomach flu goes away soon. I really wish he feels better tomorrow because some friends and I are planning a special dinner for Jared. I'm excited that he will get to have a celebration. He has no idea so I'll let know how that goes. Now I have to do some homework for tomorrow and I'm going to do as many chores as I can before I go to bed tonight. But before I do that here are 12 things I love about my sweetheart (didn't have time to think of 28 LOL)

  1. Your beautiful big blue eyes
  2. The going with the flow attitude I wish I had most of the time.
  3. Your smile
  4. The way you bath and put Nathan to bed everynight.
  5. When you wake up in the middle of night to take care of Nate.
  6. When you let me sleep in on the weekends.
  7. When you make breakfast on Sunday mornings.
  8. I love your young spirit.
  9. When you get so so excited about board games.
  10. Your kisses.
  11. The way you care about me.
  12. The way you always make sure Nathan and me are okay during the day, your phone calls mean so much to me.
I love you thank you for everything you do for our family.