Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Stationery card

Poinsettia Window Christmas Card
Turn your unique photos into Christmas cards with Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Some things I don't want to leave undocumented

Our awesome day At Luisenpark with the Mairel's.

Our days at buffalo park:

our awesome nights with dear friends:

My first blog post in the States

It has been a while since my last post, 2 months to be exact. We moved back to the states and now we live in WA.  Finally got a house the first of week of November and a week later got our household goods. It has been a long couple of months here. After our 35 days  of leave visiting family all over (more on that later), it feels like we left Germany ages ago.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day and my house still looks to my opinion "a disaster". There is furniture that hasn't been put together yet. Why? well German furniture apparently it's too complicated over here so now we are waiting for a 3rd party company to come and take care of our stuffs.

This how our apartment living room looked the last day we were there.

It only looks a little bit better now in our house.

Our last days in Germany were well spent. We stayed with our dear friends for the last 4 days. Here below is Jared's last dinner with some people from work and friends.

I couldn't find a good picture of everybody but don't you love the picture of Nathan. He sure likes some Thai rice.

On our last weekend our friends the Woods and us went to a marriage seminar then later we had dinner with the Davies.

And of course some ticket to ride for the last time with our friends.