Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My Baby girl is 4 months!!1

I went a little crazy taking pictures of my baby but for those who enjoy chubby, cute and gorgeous babies, enjoy!!!

Mia at 4 months:

- rolls over
- gives a heavenly smile
- sleeps 6- 9 hours
- eats 6 times in a 24 hour period.
- Enjoy tummy-time.
- Grabs little toys with both hands.
- Likes to be in a sitting-up position.

Have I mentioned that I love this little girl, she is the easiest baby ever. She rarely cries and enjoy just  watching mommy or grandma do things around the house. Loves to watch little bro play and sometimes enjoy to watch Sesame street with Nathan.
We love you Mia and I'm grateful to be your mama.

It is so easy to take pictures of Mia, she just goes with the flow but she is not so happy when his brother throws one of those hot wheels cars on her head. Yep picture time is over!!!

Friday, August 17, 2012