Friday, December 14, 2012


I have neglected this blog for like 9 months. My blog also was going through a deployment lol. I can't believe we are almost done and soon hubby will be home and we can press "play" and get on with our lives. I'm so so excited and nervous. It has been a long journey, it has help me grow, be stronger and way more independent but it hasn't been easy so just wanted to say I'M SO HAPPY for this phase to be over.
Stationery card
View the entire collection of cards.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My Baby girl is 4 months!!1

I went a little crazy taking pictures of my baby but for those who enjoy chubby, cute and gorgeous babies, enjoy!!!

Mia at 4 months:

- rolls over
- gives a heavenly smile
- sleeps 6- 9 hours
- eats 6 times in a 24 hour period.
- Enjoy tummy-time.
- Grabs little toys with both hands.
- Likes to be in a sitting-up position.

Have I mentioned that I love this little girl, she is the easiest baby ever. She rarely cries and enjoy just  watching mommy or grandma do things around the house. Loves to watch little bro play and sometimes enjoy to watch Sesame street with Nathan.
We love you Mia and I'm grateful to be your mama.

It is so easy to take pictures of Mia, she just goes with the flow but she is not so happy when his brother throws one of those hot wheels cars on her head. Yep picture time is over!!!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th of July babies

4th of July

So having a second sure change my routines all over. And when I find a time to blog I'm too tired. But guess what there is finally a app for blogger and I got it today so it's going to be so much easier to post. We had a nice 4th of July, we went to base to enjoy a little festival they had going on and also to enjoy the fireworks. I was a little nervous at staying out that late with both kids, but I had my mom and it wasn't so bad. Nathan was getting a little bit bored but found a couple of friends who kept him occupied for the rest of the night. It didn't get dark until 10pm! But it was worth it, it was a good night but it would've been perfect if my hubby was here.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mia Siple

My baby girl was born on April 17th at 7:51am. To start the birth story of my baby girl I have to tell you that I was 2 days past my due date and that I was willing to try anything to induce my labor. Thanks to my friend Jessica for sharing Acupressure with us because it worked! Jared did it on me the night before the 17th and I started having contractions 4 hours later. I realized those contractions were the real thing when a strong one woke me up at 5am. I woke Jared up and told them that was the day, he got it and got up to get my mom and told her to make me something to eat. I took a long hot shower to ease up the pain. I wanted to stay home as long as I could. Finally after getting dressed, eating my breakfast and making sure we had everything we headed to the hospital. We left the house around close to 7am and with the morning traffic we got there around 7:30am. I don't know how I manage to walk from the parking lot to Labor and delivery but I got there and the contractions were really bad then. I had made up my mind that I wanted an epidural as soon as I could since I thought those contractions were only the beginning of a long and painful process. Anyways I checked in at 7:42 and I had my baby 9 minutes later. I don't remember everything that happened in those 9 minutes, but I do remember being in so much pain, a different kind of pain I've never experienced before. It was over quick, in two pushes Mia was born and I was so relieved to see a beautiful baby girl and to be done with the delivery. I'm so grateful Jared got to be there with me through the process, just seeing his face assured me everything was going to be okay. 

Here is our beautiful newborn

Nathan meeting his baby sister

My Babies

This picture was taken the day before Jared left, yes he shaved his head ;)