Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Girl or Boy??

On Friday the 15h we found out we are having a baby boy. Wow ! Jared and me were so sure we were having a girl. Me because I really wanted a girl and Jared wanted a girl for my sake. I must confessed that i was a little bit sad for maybe ... 3secs. I wanted a girl so bad. Friends at church said : " Just imagine having 2 Jareds around the house". I was like : "That's not helping, one is enough". Don't get me wrong I love Jared and I already love this Baby so much. It would be nice to have a boy as an older Sibling. We haven been blessed since the baby seems to be growing healthy and I haven't had any complications so far in my pregnancy. Now the next step is to think of names, we have a few on mind but haven't decided yet.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


So we decided to take a trip before it got too cold and we chose to go to Prague. For those of you who don't know Prague is located in Czech Republic. We signed up for a bus tour leaving from Mannheim, we left on Thanksgiving day at 10 pm and didnt arrived there until 6am. We were so tired because it hard to get any sleep on the bus. But as soon as we got there our tour to the city began and we walked through the city for 4 hours straight. We were so tired and couldn't wait to go to the hotel and sleep.

This are beautigul views of the city

      And this is the Prague Castle, very beautiful and one of the biggest in Europe. They have a change of guards every hour and it is pretty cool.

On Friday afternoon after our tour we decided to go eat lunch and take a long nap at the Hotel, that night after we refreshed we went to eat at the Hard Rock Cafe in town.
On Saturday we went on a boat trip through the city. After that we did some shopping at the Christmas market which was packed since it was the opening night. We really enjoyed this trip and hope to go back maybe with family or friends.
 Next week will be a exciting post since we will be telling you our baby's gender. :)