Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Empathy Belly

So our Parent Support group in our base has this program called "The Empathy Belly". The programs consists of brave expecting fathers that volunteer to wear a fake pregnancy belly for 3 hours a day 2 to 5 days. Jared being a brave husband decided he wanted to give it a try.
This belly it is really cool, it has a band that it is really tight around your ribs so it is harder to breathe. The belly is filled with water and it has a little loose ball inside so you can simulate a baby moving. It was two heavy balls inside also and a heavy little bag that puts pressure on your bladder. The weight of the belly is about 30 pounds and Jared said it hurt his back a lot. He only had to wear it for 3 hours and he didnt do much while he was wearing it :).

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