Friday, May 20, 2011

Shakira concert

Yes!!! i got to see shakira and she was amazing I really had a great time with my friend Soni.
sorry for the pictures, my camera broke early that day (i know my luck) and we only took pictures with soni's Ipod.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

11 months

Our baby boy is 11 months old and I can't believe he is gonna be 1 soon.

Nathan at 11 months old

1. Strongly dislikes being change (diaper, clothes, shoes you name it)
2. Sleeps 11 to 12 hours all night ( He is being doing this since he was 6 months)
3. Eats pretty much everything we eat.
4. Has been walking for a little bit more than a month.
5. He climb up the stairs.
6. He arches his back when is upset mostly when you take something away from him.
7. Loves his blanket and will drag it around the house.
8. Say mama, dada, bebe and points on the direction he wants to go.
9. Likes being rocked to sleep.
10. Loves music and will make cute dance moves.
11. knows how to climb up the couch and also get down.

................ and Jared says I have to add that Nathan is pretty good at the monkey bars. What do you expect with a gymnast dad? ;)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Poor Nate is sick

Nathan has pneumonia and he feels like just cuddling and being held most of the time. He plays now and then when he forgets he is sick but mostly he just wants to cuddle.
Nothing gets done latlely at my house and is falling apart, but this too shall pass ;)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Nathan's first taste of lemon juice

Edelweiss and Garmish

Edelweiss Lodge and Resort

The Edelweiss resort is a DoD hotel located on the Bavarian Alps and I ca't describe how beautiful and breath taking this place is.
We went on a weekend marriage retreat with our friends the Woods. We had so much and the weather was just perfect.
On Saturday morning we decided to go to the highest mountain in Germany which the Zugspitze. The Zugspitze is 2,962 meters above sea level and it is amazing. You can see for yourself but pictures don't do justice. It was cold and snowing went we got there so we didnt stay long because we didn't have any winter gear with us.

This picture was taken on our way back, I love those eyes and face and just about everything about this little boy

Once we got back we enjoy a delicious dinner and decided to stay in and play games and later watch a couple of episodes of 24.
Here we are playing Ticket to Ride, a game the Siple's and Wood's can't seem to live without.

On Sunday morning we took some family pictures and then after lunch we left. I love this place and I hope i can go back before we leave

 I love this picture of Nathan and me, I just wish he was smiling instead of crying oh well anyhow he looks adorable.

Nathan love uncle Mike and Aunt Soni

Monday, May 2, 2011

Ball der Vampire

Each year around February, this year on March, the city of Heidelberg has a Vampire's ball. This was our first time going and last since we won't be staying another year. Anyways, the ball was so much fun we had a variety of bands playing on multiple stages and you can practically dance the night away to your favorite music alongside friends, and creepy vampires.