Sunday, June 5, 2011

Dear Nathan:

Yesterday a year ago, I was 38 pounds heavier.
I couldn't see my feet
I had heart burn at nightime and I would sit up watching Jared sleep and wishing it was me.
I would fold and refold all your clothes.
I would dream of you on my arms everytime I sat on your rocking chair.
I was excited for the next day to come, the day I would finally after 40 weeks of long waiting, I would get to see your face and fall in love with you again. Yes again because I loved you already so much.

But Today is your 1st birhtday!
We have been together tthrough the good days and bad nights. ;)
In only a year you have taught me wonderful things, I'm so glad I've the opportunity to stay home and see you grow and be there when you learned new things.
Thank you for helping me see that the little things matter the most.  I'm so thankful for being there with you when you discover this world. It is like I get to see everything again for the first time through your eyes.
thank you baby for being patient with me learning to be the best mommy for you. I never knew my heart could feel so much love , thank you for that.

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