Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Galveston, Tx 2011

Our week in Texas was awesome! We had such a good time with my sister and her family and of course my mom. We went to the beach at night time when it was cooler, I couldnt believe how warm the water was.

 During our stay there my sister had a birthday, the guys made a cake for Lisset and they had to wake me up to sing happy birthday, I know it sounds horrible to be asleep at your sister' birthday but I was so jet-lagged. The guys played some wii and we enjoy a delicious german chocolate cake.

This is the only good picture I found of my sister' birthday unless you want to see a picture of me drooling on the couch ;) ( JK I wasn't drooling).

I couldn't get enough of my niece, isn't she adorable

We took the kids to this great amusement park in Houston but I can't remember the name of it now. The kids had a blast despite the heat. Me on the other side was having a rough time, the heat made my morning (all day I would call it) sickness worse.

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