Saturday, February 25, 2012


Has anybody heard of Pinterest? If you haven't check it out but be careful because it can be quite addicting. I have found so many tutorials for crafty things, decoration ideas, recipes, etc.
These are some of the things I have made so far.

A lamp shade.
for tutorial go here

I have also this cute blanket for baby Mia.
for tutorial go here

and this picture canvas with pictures of Nathan's second year. I got the idea from here and the tutorial from here

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Things lately

Nothing big has happened since the last time I posted except that now im 32 weeks pregnant and ready to have this baby and I say that now but as soon as I'm sleep deprived I will be wishing to still be pregnant ;).
Nathan is good, almost 21 months now. He is a little bit shy now, for all the people that know him this might sound odd but yep he is shy. I really hope it is a stage because I sure want him to enjoy story time and we just signed him up for gymnastics.  I think he just need to be around kids more often, we will see how it goes. Nap time is quite a challenge nowdays, I don't understand why toddlers refuse to nap. Wouldn't it be nice to have a scheduled nap time everyday?
Jared has pretty much the same routine everyday: work, come home to eat dinner, play with Nathan, help putting him to bed and then have some relax time before heading to bed. I don't know how he can be up at 4am every morning.

Here are some pics of our sweet baby boy doing the splits and trying to do a flip.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Pregnancy pictures

So I have been lazy with this pregnancy in the area of taking weekly pictures of my growing belly.
I don't if it is because it's my second pregnancy or because with the move and the holidays I haven't had time to think about it.
Anyways I finally took a picture of my belly at 27 weeks!
Hopefully I can remember and take one weekly from now on. I think this baby deserves to have some pictures of her in mommy's belly ;).

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Snow Day

This is the first time Nathan got to play on the snow and also the first time my mom has seen snow. She tought it was  very pretty but just wanted to see it from inside the house ;).
Nathan was a baby last winter so this is also his first year of actually seeing snow. He wasn't very happy about it though, he didn't like that he couldn't walk very well and that he was getting cold. We enjoyed the snow and are very happy it's gone now. After the big snow storm we had with no power for 24 hours, we are praying that it doesn't snow again over here this winter.