Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Things lately

Nothing big has happened since the last time I posted except that now im 32 weeks pregnant and ready to have this baby and I say that now but as soon as I'm sleep deprived I will be wishing to still be pregnant ;).
Nathan is good, almost 21 months now. He is a little bit shy now, for all the people that know him this might sound odd but yep he is shy. I really hope it is a stage because I sure want him to enjoy story time and we just signed him up for gymnastics.  I think he just need to be around kids more often, we will see how it goes. Nap time is quite a challenge nowdays, I don't understand why toddlers refuse to nap. Wouldn't it be nice to have a scheduled nap time everyday?
Jared has pretty much the same routine everyday: work, come home to eat dinner, play with Nathan, help putting him to bed and then have some relax time before heading to bed. I don't know how he can be up at 4am every morning.

Here are some pics of our sweet baby boy doing the splits and trying to do a flip.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Cathy you just made my day with these pictures. he is so adorable, i miss his cute face and i cannot believe he is shy. miss you friend. love you all.
