Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Maternity Photos

These pictures were taken when I was 38 weeks pregnant. Today I hit my 39 week and I'm ready to have this baby soon

Jared's 1st Surprise Birthday Party (march 2010)

Sorry I'm sharing this so late, but my head has been in other places like: baby, baby and baby. But better late than never. I'm so happy to have planned Jared's first surprised Birthday party. He was so happy and so touched to see his friends there for his Birthday.

I hope you like your party honey. I love you so much and can't wait to celebrate many birthdays with you.

Baby Shower

Jared and me are amazed that so many people have helped us with things for our little Nathan. My friends Hannah and Sonila from church planned a baby shower for me. We had so much fun and Nathan got cute gifts.

Really, really good food :)

Beautiful women and great friends. I love all of them

While we were having a party, our boys were playing games at a friend's house. But later they came to eat our food. Here is Jessica given Jared the diapers with melted chocolate. Jared didnt know... just look at this face :)

We got great things for Nathan. We also had 2 other baby showers from Jared's work. One from his coworkers at the jail and the other one from his coworkers at the Coleman Health Clinic. We have been blessed since many people have giving us all sort of stuff. I can't wait to post pictures of Nathan's room, it is almost done.

Poland trip (March 2010)

Here are some pictures of our trip to Poland on March. We stayed at the Elim Christian Center, which is a wonderful place. We did service projects and also had lots of fun... enjoy

The Elim Center is actually an old castle the years ago 4 missionary families transformed into a place where they help the needed. The castle runs through donations and help kids in the community and also unemployed people. We stay 3 days and help sort some clothes and also we did some painting.

This is the aparment where we stay:

The Elim Center is close to a small city called Boleslawiec which is famous for their Polish pottery. This city exports most of the polish pottery that you see in the States. I'm going back for some serious shopping before we leave Germany :)

We decided that we were going to find a church in Poland, the closest one was almost 2 hours away from where we were, but we went. It was a little bit difficult to find, but we found it ... see the small black square ?

We got there on time, It was a really small room with 15 people including us. They only have a branch president and the missionaries are the ones who give the talks on Sundays, so you can imagine how many talks this missionaries have given in their missions. The 2 missionaries we met were from Utah and translated the service for us, they were so happy so see us and we also met a sister missionary from Utah. The members where so nice, even though we couldn't communicate we felt their love and excitement for having visitors.

We enjoyed Poland a lot, here are some pics of the city:

Jared wanted the mini car above :)

Our wonderful friends, The Woods

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Local Spring Fest in Mannheim

One of the things I love about Germany are the spring or fall's fests. They have rides, yummy food and Amazing candy. Our first time we wanted to go because of the rides but now we know better. Let's say for example a normal ride in the states is 3min., well here it will be 6 min. It is long enough to make you sick, and believe me you get sick :). So now we stick to just watching the brave german teenagers that seen to be used to the crazy rides. We usually get the candied peanuts that are so fresh made, also cotton candy, candied apples, etc.

And here are the biggest bratwursts i have ever seen (1/2 meter) and they are really good btw.

"New" Rocking chair for Nathan

Some of you have seen this chair before (it was a old blue chair that Jared had). This rocking chair is very especial for Jared because he was rocked here as a baby and has had it with him for a long time. The fabric showed how old this chair was. I wanted to use it for Nathan's room and decided to make new covers for it with a new fabric. I wish i had taking a before picture..oh well here is how it looks now and I love it. I didnt do it myself,  actually my talented friend Mindy at our ward did most (99%) of the job. Thanks Mindy!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Empathy Belly

So our Parent Support group in our base has this program called "The Empathy Belly". The programs consists of brave expecting fathers that volunteer to wear a fake pregnancy belly for 3 hours a day 2 to 5 days. Jared being a brave husband decided he wanted to give it a try.
This belly it is really cool, it has a band that it is really tight around your ribs so it is harder to breathe. The belly is filled with water and it has a little loose ball inside so you can simulate a baby moving. It was two heavy balls inside also and a heavy little bag that puts pressure on your bladder. The weight of the belly is about 30 pounds and Jared said it hurt his back a lot. He only had to wear it for 3 hours and he didnt do much while he was wearing it :).