Thursday, October 7, 2010

July 2010

My little boy is a month old. It feels like he has been with us a lot longer than that, actually i can't remember my live without him. We are enjoying this time besides the fact that we are sleep deprived and all we think about is "sleep". Nathan sleeps for 4 hours straight then wakes up every 2 hours until he is ready to be up finally. I heard 4 hours is not bad but man I'm tired!
I know this soon will pass, but i dream with the day my baby will sleep through the night :)
So this month we were brave parents and decided to take our first trip as a family. And I say brave because Nathan strongly dislikes his carseat. Do you want to hear him cry? put him in the carseat. So we drove 4 hours to Garmisch to stay the weekend. Lucky us Nathan slept the whole four hours, we couldn't believe it.

Here are a couple of pictures of Nathan at 1 month old.

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