Thursday, October 7, 2010

The last four months of our lives

In these last 4 months many things had happen, major events in our lives like having Nathan finally with us. Nathan was born on June 5th at 00:20 hours. He weighed 10 1/2 lb ( ya he was that big) and 22 in. I dont want to go into details since I have to share with you 4 months of our lives in this post. But let me tell you it has been hard and at the same time wonderful.

Most of the month of June we spent in the house just trying to figure out how to be PARENTS and how to take the best care of this liitle addition to our family. Jared's mom and dad came all the way from Albuquerque to visit us for our week. We had so much fun with them and They were a lot of help :).

Some here are some of our memories from June:

This is our first picture as a Family and I love it, Nathan looks so small and I was hurting and so tired at that moment.
Isn't this picture so cute :)
I love the following newborn picture of Nathan
I love how Jared fell in love with his son since the moment he saw him. I love my boys and I know Jared and Nathan will have a great relationship.
Since the first night Jared was very hands on, he would change Nathan, He would walk him around the hospital. Jared complained when it was my turn to hold him ( yes we took turns because we didnt want to let him go.)

And this is my favorite picture ever. I think is the cutest thing don't you?
Nathan and grandpa taking a nap

Mom and Dad were here for Nathan's blessing.

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