Sunday, October 17, 2010

Luxembourg and Belgium

On September we took a trip to Luxembourg and Belgium. We have friends in Belgium and went to spent 4 days with them but on our way day we stopped in Luxembourg for the day. Luxembourg is a small country  and the capital also called Luxembourg was a neat place. He took a bus tour and sought most of the city. About 4pm we were headed to Belgium, our gps said it was 2 hours away but oh boy! we had like 4 traffic jams caused by construction. So the trip ended up being like 3 hours almost instead of two, I know that doesn't sound like a long trip but we were afraid that Nathan would woke up when we  were stopped in the road and start crying because that boy for sure hates his carseat.
We arrived just in time for dinner, our friend Kelly made tacos. But I'm not talking about ordinary tacos that you make when you want a quick easy dinner. She had made like 10 different toppings for your tacos, mexican rice and other things. I wish i could've taken a picture so you can see what I'm talking about.
Anyways we relaxed that night and talked and talked until it was time to go to bed. next morning we headed to Brussels, just Jared, Nathan and me. Dan went to work and Kelly homeschools five of her six children. She walked us to the train station and we were on our way to Brussels which is only 25 min away by train.
Brussel's Grand Place is beautiful, pictures can't describe how amazing that place is and I wish I had a nicer camera to capture all the beautiful places we have been. And this was one of those times when a really nice camera would have been nice to have.


Brussels- Belgium

1 comment:

  1. Cathy, these are great pictures. We want to go to both of those places. we miss you guys very much. one more month. we love you!
