Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Today is a really exciting day for me :). My mom finally is coming to stay with us (meaning in the States with my sister and I) permanently and I have waited for this day for a really long time, four years to be exact. I'm so excited and happy that I can't describe it. I haven't seem my mom in four years and that's a really long long time for me. I think everybody needs their mommy every once in a while and it has been really hard to have her so far away. But that is over now I can visit my mom often, I know we live in Germany but only for 10 more months and then I will be a lot closer.
She arrives today, maybe she already did as I'm writing this post. I won't get to see her until next weekend when me and little Nathan fly to Houston to stay a couple of weeks at my sister's and Jared is meeting us a week later. I'm so excited also for my mom to meet Nathan and Jared and for my hubby to meet her. I know there will be some or a lot language barriers but it is sweet to know that my mom knows how much Jared loves her and Jared knows she loves him also.
Well I'm calling my sister in a little bit to find out if she was reunited with my mom or if she is still waiting, I would have loved to be there with them but I'm thousand of miles away, the good thing is that she is here with us and we are not letting her go anywhere.
I love you mom more than words can describe and I hope someday you can read this post on your own :)
until later


  1. Oh Cathy! Im so happy for you, I can just imagine your excitment to see your mom. that is so wonderful. your message is very touching and I know how much you have waited for this day. I love and miss you.

  2. I love the picture. What a cutie.
    -Aunt Connie
