Saturday, January 22, 2011

Galveston, Texas

As always I'm way behind on the blog. So many things I have/want to do, I feel i can't keep up. Nathan is getting better at eating solids so feeding time doesn'tt last 45 minutes anymore. So far he likes everything but green beans. Anyways, on November we took a trip to Galveston, TX to visit my mom, sister and her family. We had a great great time with them. We enjoyed Texas so much and the weather was so so nice. (sigh) I miss the sun so much :(.

Jared enjoyed the time off so much and tok many naps with baby Nathan. Don't you love those chubby legs. I love to see my boys like this, they look so peaceful.

The nicest thing about being in Galveston was to spend part of Thanksgiving day at the beach, the weather was so nice that we just enjoyed feeling the cool breeze, the boys threw the football for a while until it was time to go make some dinner for us.

We had a great time and miss these guys lots, We are hoping to move to Texas to be closer to them and also to Albuquerque.  Miss you miss you so much and thank you for having us.

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