Saturday, January 14, 2012

Nathan at 18 months

What can I say, Nathan keep us really busy and entertain at this age. He has become his own person officially, letting us know what he likes or dislikes.
Here are some facts about our little guy:
  • EVERY morning when he wakes up calls "daddy" at the top of his lungs
  • Loves to eat any time of the day, and so far he is eating very well for a toddler.
  • Enjoys baths and showers, ya he is not scared of the shower.
  • Says mommy, daddy, ball, cracker, agua, bye-bye, hi, puppy, door, no, close, whoo-hoo (jared taught him that one), night-night, elmo, dad, baby and bebe.
  • He has started pretend play and carries a stuff puppy and bear around the house. He feeds them and covers them with blankets.
  • Loves to watched mommy put on make-up and wants some on his face too.
  • Like brushing his teeth and putting on lotion.
  • Is scared of the vacuum.
  • Likes helping with cooking and emptying the dish washer.
  • Drinks from a cup very good.
  • Knows where his time-out spot is at and is learning to actually stay there.
  • Likes to be chase around the house.
  • Loves bananas, rice, breas, smothies, pasta, orange juice, yogurt, watermelon.
  • Is matering the spoon anf fork but still manages to make big messes.
  • Can make trough 30 minutes of sacrament, except last Sunday he made it for the whole time which was 75 min.
  • Is now in nursery and loves it.
  • Favorite book is ABC by dr. Seuss.
  • And he is still sleeping trough the night and taking 2 hour naps. We hope that doesnt change.
As every todller he has his moments (tamtrums) but we love him so much and enjoy watching him grow and learn day by day.

And I just love this picture

1 comment:

  1. hahaha, I love his face. The vacuum still scares him? That's hilarious. I love you Nathan!
