Thursday, January 5, 2012

Albuquerque 2011

On our last week of leave back in October we went to abq. We stayed with Jared's parents, visited my grandma a couple of times, my uncle, we went to one of my cousin's soccer game and enjoy delicious peruvian food.
I was excited to see family that I hadn't seen in a long time, family that moved to the States while we were leaving in Germany. My "little cousins" that I used to baby-sit, change diapers and play with them as babies now are BIG kids. One of them turned 14 while we were there, I'm glad we got to spend some quality time with them.

Nathan enjoying his grandparent's big yard.

Nathan is not the only one that doesn't let us play.

I look horrible on this picture but it's the only one we took with mom and dad.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet memories Cathy. I loved seeing pics of Nathan. He makes me laugh.
